DuPage County Divorce Mediation Lawyers

Attorneys for Collaborative Law in Divorce Cases in Wheaton, Carol Stream, and Warrenville
The divorce process involves a multitude of different decisions that will need to be made and legal issues that will need to be addressed. In many cases, spouses will disagree about certain matters, and even in an amicable, uncontested divorce, these disputes can be difficult to resolve. In most cases, spouses will want to avoid litigation if possible, and they may be able to use alternative dispute resolution to reach a divorce settlement.
The attorneys of Nagle & Giese, P.C. have assisted many clients in a wide variety of divorce and family law cases, and we have over 50 years of combined experience. We can help you determine your best options for resolving disputes, and we will work with you to complete the divorce process successfully.
Divorce Mediation
If you choose to use mediation, you and your spouse will work together with a mediator to create a mutually agreeable settlement that addresses all of the outstanding issues that must be addressed to complete the dissolution of your marriage. While attorneys often serve as divorce mediators, the mediator will not represent either party. Instead, they will be a neutral third party who will help identify the issues that need to be resolved and guide you and your spouse in reaching compromises you will both be satisfied with.
Mediation provides a number of benefits, and one primary advantage it offers is the ability to complete a divorce quickly and cost-effectively. The process is completely confidential and it offers you more control over the outcome of your divorce since the decisions made will only be legally binding if both parties agree to them. For divorcing parents, mediation can help you redefine your relationship with each other, and as you decide how you will share parental responsibilities and parenting time, you can determine how you will work together in the years to come.
Collaborative Divorce
If you need to address complex financial issues during your divorce, or if you do not believe that mediation will be an effective way to resolve your disputes, you may consider using collaborative law to reach a settlement. At the beginning of this process, you, your spouse, and your respective attorneys will sign an agreement stating that you will work together openly and honestly during your negotiations and that each party will provide full and complete disclosure of any information requested by the other party.
During a collaborative divorce, you may work with a variety of outside experts, such as property appraisers, financial advisors, or child custody evaluators who can advise you on how to resolve your outstanding legal issues. The goal is to negotiate a divorce settlement that both parties can agree on. If you cannot reach a settlement, you can proceed to litigation; however, if the collaborative process fails, the parties' attorneys are required to withdraw from the case, and you and your spouse will need to find new legal representation. This gives everyone the incentive to resolve disputes and complete the divorce process outside of the courtroom.
Contact a Glen Ellyn Alternative Dispute Resolution Attorney
By using mediation or collaborative law, you and your spouse can work together to resolve your outstanding disputes as quickly and efficiently as possible, and you can avoid the expense, difficulty, and uncertainty involved in divorce litigation. Nagle & Giese, P.C. can help you understand your best options for reaching a divorce settlement, and we will make sure you know your rights and the steps you can take to achieve success throughout the divorce process. Contact our office today at 630-407-1200 to set up a free consultation. We provide divorce mediation and collaborative law services in Wheaton, Carol Stream, Warrenville, Winfield, Glen Ellyn, Naperville, Glendale Heights, DuPage County, Kane County, Will County, Kendall County, and Cook County.